Chiropractic and Placebos

Chiropractic works even if you don’t believe in chiropractic.
Some dismiss the results our patients receive as merely the placebo effect. These cynics virtually ignore the mind/body connection that most forward-thinking health care experts are finally acknowledging.
A placebo (from the Latin ‘I will please’) is often a sugar pill or some type of sham treatment designed to invoke the beliefs of the patient, and in the case of double blind studies, even the beliefs of the doctor. Some studies show that placebos can be 30% to 40% effective.
Should the consistent results that today’s chiropractic patient enjoys be simply chalked up to the placebo effect and a caring personality?
Hardly. While it’s helpful when the patient believes the care they’re receiving will help them, some chiropractors have seen positive results from helping newborns, infants and even animals for which the power of the believing mind is clearly not a factor.